Xsens Driver

  1. Xsens_driver Install
  2. Sens Driver Download
  3. Xsens_mti_driver
  4. Xsens Usb Driver

@arunvydhya I've updated the FW to v1.7.4, and the ROS node works well. However, the yaw's drift is very much, usually at a speed of 0.1 degree per second both indoor and outdoor without GNSS. Autoware::drivers::xsensnodes::XsensCommonNode Class Template Reference.

  1. Xsens is the leading innovator in motion tracking technology and products. Xsens products include Motion Capture, IMU, AHRS, Human Kinematics and Wearables.
  2. In case you did not find an explanation for abnormal/unexpected functioning of your Xsens product in the Knowledge Base or Community Forum, you can reach out to the technical support team directly through this contact form. You will be contacted by our support team within two business days.
  1. Linux: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 32bits
  2. ROS: fuerte
  3. Intel core 2 duo E8400
  4. device: Xsens MTi-G-28A53G35

I have some troubles when I launch mtdevice.py from http://ros.org/wiki/xsens_driver

I did as it said in http://answers.ros.org/question/42328/problem-with-xsens-mtig/and I am sure making:

And getting:

With all permissions.

The output problem is this:

I try with the launch too:


And the output is the same. Are there any problem with the code? Have I some broken dependency?


Edit 1(22/07/2013):

The output of the roslaunch xsens_driver xsens_driver.launch is:

And my roswtf is:


Xsens_driver Install

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Xsens Driver

Category: USB
Manufacturer: Xsens
Caution Level: Intermediate
Download File Size: Unavailable
Operating System: Windows XP
Latest Version / Release Date: 2 / July 17th, 2009.

Sens Driver Download

Windows device driver information for Xsens USB-serial converter

Xsens USB Serial converter links a serial device to a computer through the USB port. It is good for use on a PDA, digital camera, modem or ISDN terminal with a serial port. It supports high speed and is also ideal for connecting POS Peripherals. The USB serial converter allows one to connect devices to your laptop or workstation through the USB (Universal Serial Bus) port. The device is a cost-effective solution and is perfect for mobile, instrumentation, and point-of sale applications. It also has the ability to assign COM port numbers, data logger, magnet accessories and a terminal block adaptor. USB Plug & Play makes serial port expansion easy, and does not require IRQ, DMA, or I/O address resources. Users no longer need to open the chassis or power down the system to add COM ports, saving on setup time and cost.

Outdated Drivers?

Unless you update your drivers regularly you may face hardware performance issues.


To check your drivers you should manually verify every device on your system for driver updates

Xsens Usb Driver

The USB Serial converter is perfect for mobile, instrumentation, and point-of sale applications. It is a stackable expansion module that connects to a PC or server via the Universal Serial Bus (USB) port, providing high-speed RS-232 serial ports with connectors. The device also features easy connectivity for modems, printers, point-of-sale and industrial control devices which utilize a standard serial (RS-232) interface. The Xsens USB serial converter features true plug and play intelligent connectivity with full scalability for future expansion needs. The USB architecture currently provided by Intel®, Microsoft®, and most major PC manufacturers is designed to deliver an industry standard for PC connectivity today. The personal computer industry is moving rapidly towards a more innovative approach to computer design, which means you don't have to go to the extremes of removing the cover from your computer to add a peripheral device. It is highly recommended you run a free registry scan for Windows and Xsens USB-serial converter errors before installing any driver updates.