Viewsonic Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver Download For Windows 8
Having problems with your ViewSonic Computer Monitors ?
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Answers :
Well first of all, is it hooked up properly?
015012I had a viewsonic which had both speakers and a mike. So you need to connect 3 things:
0150121) The vieo siganl,
0150122) The (usually) green ouput from your PC sound card ouput to the minitor speaker input,
0150123) The (usually) pink cord from the monitor's mike-out to your sound card mike input.
015012Then, next, there are controls on the Viewsonic, one is a mute015012function. Turn off the mute and crank the output level all the way up,015012those little speakers do not have much punch to them.
015012Finally, you need to go to your sound card's control panel, and turn up015012the volume to the speakers, and of course, turn off the mute.
015012Another thing you may want to do is test your sound card outputs with a015012real pair of speakers... (Surely someone will loan you a pair for a015012minute -- ordinary CD player speakers would do.)
015012Good Luck!
015012I had a viewsonic which had both speakers and a mike. So you need to connect 3 things:
0150121) The vieo siganl,
0150122) The (usually) green ouput from your PC sound card ouput to the minitor speaker input,
0150123) The (usually) pink cord from the monitor's mike-out to your sound card mike input.
015012Then, next, there are controls on the Viewsonic, one is a mute015012function. Turn off the mute and crank the output level all the way up,015012those little speakers do not have much punch to them.
015012Finally, you need to go to your sound card's control panel, and turn up015012the volume to the speakers, and of course, turn off the mute.
015012Another thing you may want to do is test your sound card outputs with a015012real pair of speakers... (Surely someone will loan you a pair for a015012minute -- ordinary CD player speakers would do.)
015012Good Luck!
Repair Help & Product Troubleshooting for ViewSonic Computer Monitors
Viewsonic Sound Cards & Media Devices Driver Download For Windows 10
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